This image features a mystical figure that can be described as a shaman, standing in the heart of a lush forest. The shaman is wearing a radiant, multicolored robe that glows with a luminescence matching the magical orbs levitating in each of their outstretched hands one purple and one blue. Above their head floats a spectacular halo-like structure composed of intricate branches radiating outwards, adorned with vibrant, neon colors, and a glowing orb at the center. The forest setting is dimly lit, with a touch of enchantment as small lights, akin to fireflies, float in the air. The ground is covered in thick, green moss, and the tall, slender trees reach high into the darkness above.

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4864 x 3328


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Mystical Shaman with Radiant Orbs and Neon Tree Halo
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